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Euroopa Liidu ühise põllumjanduspoliitika võrgustik kutsub kogemusi ja teadmisi jagama töötoas “Enhancing food security under changing weather patterns: farm adaptation”. 

Oodatud on põllumajandustootjad, -tootjate ühenduste ja ühistute esindajad, nõustajad, teadlased, kohalikud omavalitsused, valitsusvälised organisatsioonid ja teised huvirühmad, kes toetavad toidutootjaid muutuvate ilmastikutingimustega kohanemisel.

Töötuba toimub 15.-16. märtsil Itaalias Bolognas.

Kõige täpsema info leiad töötoa veebilehelt.

Eeldatav päevakava

Osalemine on tasuta ning teatud juhtudel katab Euroopa Komisjon ka osalemisega seotud reisi ja majutuskulud.

Osalemiseks täida sooviavaldus 15. jaanuariks.


Call for expression of interest to participate in the EU CAP Network workshop ‘Enhancing food security under changing weather patterns: farm adaptation’


The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) and the Support Facility for Innovation & Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI are organising the  workshop ‘Enhancing food security under changing weather patterns: farm adaptation’, and we are looking for participants who would like to share their knowledge and experience on the topic! The event will take place in Bologna, Italy on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 March 2023.

The workshop will focus on exchanging knowledge and sharing innovative, inspirational practices and approaches that support farmers in adapting to changing weather patterns. Detailed information about this event can be found on this page on the EU CAP Network’s new website.

The event will take place in the Emilia-Romagna region, which is regularly affected by extreme weather events, with high impact on yields, quality and stability of farm production. Research and innovation projects, EIP-AGRI Operational Groups and other types of innovative projects in the area are addressing these impacts. They are improving adaptive capacity, supporting farmers’ decisions, and building specific solutions on water management such as improved irrigation systems. Visits to some of these initiatives will be part of the workshop programme.

If you are interested in participating, please fill in the application form before 15 January 2023 23:59 CET.

We are looking for farmers, representatives of farmers’ associations and cooperatives, advisors, researchers, local authorities, NGO’s, and other stakeholders that support farmers in adapting to changing weather patterns in a climate change context.

The number of participants will be limited. Therefore, it will not be possible to accommodate all requests for participation. The organisers will assess the applications received and will inform those who are selected by early February 2023. The selected participants will then be asked to register and confirm their attendance at the workshop. 

The participation at the event is free of charge. Please note that participants from public/national administrations shall cover their own travel and accommodation expenses. For other participants, if expenses cannot be covered by projects or organisations, travel and accommodation (hotel) costs for some selected participants may be covered by the European Commission. Please do not make any reservations until you hear that your application has been successful.

For any questions, please contact innovation-knowledge@eucapnetwork.eu

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